
Square Foot Gardening: The Good Sense Garden |
Ever wonder why it’s ok to plant cucumbers 6 inches apart one way but not the other? Think a vegetable garden is too much work or takes up too much space or is expensive? Mel Bartholomew explains why Square Foot Gardening is easy and makes sense. Check it out here.
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published on February 25, 2009
The Mischievous Mr. Johnson |
J. Seward Johnson, Jr., is entrepreneur, scamp, philanthropist and founder of Grounds for Sculpture, the Johnson Atelier Technical Institute of Sculpture, and Rats, the aforementioned onsite fairy-talesque restaurant – all in Hamilton, New Jersey. read about him here.
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published on February 21, 2009
Fern Field Guide, a Classic Revisited |
Peterson Field Guides set the standard in readily available books that help us learn about the world we live in. They are bibles of nature, earth encyclopedia, seemingly written in bedrock. So what's to revamp in a classic? Find out from two authors at New England Wild Flower Society.
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published on December 10, 2005
Poetry and Plants |
The Dodge Poetry Festival was held this year for the first time at Duke Farms, a 2,700-acre estate that was once the treasured New Jersey residence of philanthropist and art lover Doris Duke. Poetry and plants -- perfect together.
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published on November 10, 2004
The Garden Conservancy, a legend |
The Garden Conservancy is in the non-profit business of preserving America's special gardens and opening private gardens for public enjoyment. Read how they do it and how to see some awesome sites.
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published on June 22, 2004
All the Right Shoes - Caroline Seebohm, a legend |
Author Caroline Seebohm's new book "Great Houses and Gardens of New Jersey" is a gardener's dream. It's a glimpse into the private sanctuaries from Cape May to Sussex County, and offers ideas for every person who loves to play with plants. Seebohm discusses how she came to be a journalist of garden and architecture.
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published on February 19, 2004
Central Park, New York City, a Legend |
This year, New York City's big park celebrates its 150th birthday. The park covers 51 blocks and in many ways still holds true to the integrity of the "Greensward Plan" of Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux.
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published on September 01, 2003
The Courtship Of Ladies and Plants |
Horticultural legend Ralph Snodsmith took retirement early in Illinois. At nine years old, he mowed the expansive lawns of a 32–acre estate from Monday mornings to Saturday nights. He felt lucky to have a job and was content in a landscape of green, and he saved his money then at today's same interest rate. "I thought I had the world by the tail," he says...
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published on June 01, 2003