
Summer in the Rose Garden |
Shauna Moore, Supervisor of Horticulture for Somerset County Park Commission’s Colonial Park and Curator of the Rudolph van der Goot Rose Garden. She tells how to care for roses in summer and offers tips on pruning, pesticides and some special roses.
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published on July 24, 2020
What a Day for a Daydream! |
The stars of the Rudolph W. van der Goot Rose Garden Festival were in full bloom on June 10 at Colonial Park, Somerset, NJ. Music was in the air as crowds came to see and smell the roses galore. Check it out here with a few rose pruning tips from Shauna Moore.
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published on June 18, 2017
A Man Among Rhodies |
Meet Dennis McKiver, Patrol Lieutenant for California’s Natural Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Wildlife. He is also a passionate rhododendron collector in Fort Bragg, California. Check him out here.
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published on August 13, 2014
True Myrtle |
Our Mendocino County issue shows one handy plant for a beautiful hedge. True myrtle (Myrtle communis) grows in zones 8-10.
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published on June 15, 2014
How to Grow a Rose |
Do you, like me, buy a rose just because it’s gorgeous and you want it? I know, isn’t that reason enough? Jeff Van Pelt, garden consultant, rose expert and lecturer sheds some light and explains rose care in easy terms. Find out here!
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published on March 26, 2014
Caladium - What's New |
Zhanao Deng, ornamental plant breeder and associate professor of environmental horticulture, Uni of Florida breeds caladium for gardeners and the commercial market. See his recommendations here.
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published on May 31, 2013
The Buffet Is Closed! |
The best deer-resistant bulb selections and tips to make your garden or landscape gorgeous. Everything you ever wanted to know! Check here for tips from an Estate and Enhancement Manager for a landscape architecture firm.
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published on September 17, 2012
Ruby Weinberg, long-time gardener and landscape designer, tells us about POTUNIAS, a new line of petunia and her recent "discovery" that could enhance your home property.
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published on April 05, 2011
DESIGN AND CONQUER - an astilbe bed all its own |
Mid-winter is the perfect time to plan an all-astilbe bed. Expert gardener, Ruby Weinberg, clearly lays out everything you need to know: how to plan and know how many plants you need, cultivars and their descriptions and site planning. Read it all here.
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published on February 24, 2011
