
about us
General Information
DIG IT! is a gardening magazine for people who love gardens and spending time outdoors. It has original reporting and photography by knowledgeable people, and a fun email newsletter. Let us know how you like us or what you'd like to see. Email us at publisher at dig-itmag.com
Or just sit back and Dig It!
Publisher/editor/writer/Rollin Garden Party Bus Trips: Mary Jasch
Web Development/Design: SHiNYMACHiNE
Photography: (uncredited) Mary Jasch
Rollin' Garden Party Bus Hostess: Ursula Brown
Contributing Writers & Photographers
John Cannizzo
Mary Jasch
Mark Keating
Julian Sparacino
DIG IT! Magazine
PO Box 397
Augusta, NJ, 07822
Email us at: mary at dig-itmag.com
Who are these people anyway?
Ursula Brown is hostess on the Rollin' Garden Party Bus Trips. It's her pleasure to welcome party-goers on the bus and assist the Tour Leader, Mary, in any way she can. She says: "I enjoy preparing 'party favors' for our guests. These are bags containing snacks, napkins, tissues, hand wipes, and whatever might be on sale, to make the trip more comfortable. Our guests are the nicest bunch of folks anyone could ask for and I enjoy my role tremendously."
John Cannizzo works with The Horticultural Society of New York and the GreenTeam, their income generating project for individuals who are getting their lives together after leaving prison. He has lived with the loves of his life - his wife Pam and daughter Julia - in New York City ever since returning from Kenya in 1995, where he served in the Peace Corps as a specialist in agroforestry. John writes The GreenTeam, a monthly column.
Mary Jasch owned Exotic Designs, an indoor landscape company, for 23 years. She graduated magna cum laude from Cook College, Rutgers University, in Natural Resources Management/Applied Ecology. Mary received the New Jersey Water Environment Association's Daniel E. Bigler Undergraduate Study Award for academic and professional qualifications and activities. Mary is a freelance writer and photographer, and has been publishing DIG IT! since 2003. Check out her book, Best Hikes with Dogs - New Jersey (The Mountaineers Books) on New Jersey Dog Hikes
Paul Jasch has decades of experience in web design on both Coasts. His portfolio consists of large corporate work for IBM, WWF and JCPENNEY, law enforcement (LAPD, Sacramento Sheriff's Office) to smaller businesses like SoundSpa Recording and Productions (NJ). Paul designed and built DIG IT! Magazine
Mark Keating A New Jersey native, Mark Keating has worked in organic, local and sustainable agriculture since 1988. His primary goals are to promote healthy, sustainable food systems and reward the farmers who make them possible. He lives with his family in the rocky hills of Warren County.
Julian Sparacino is a Scranton-based photographer/musician. He creates his art with the intent of conveying a fresh perspective. His photos have appeared in regional magazines, newspapers and solo exhibits. Along with his life-long obsession with photography, as a freelance musician Julian performs professionally in festivals and gardens and galleries worldwide. He has performed and composed music for various multi-media projects in collaboration with artists, musicians and dancers in the U.S., Europe and China.
Proud Member:
The Garden Conservancy Mary is the Mendocino County, CA, Open Days representative and started the program there.
Honorary Member of Garden StateGardens Consortium
Sussex County Arts & HeritageCouncil