
the directory
The Garden Conservancy
P.O. Box 219
Cold Spring, New York 10516
Website: http://www.opendaysprogram.org
For over ten years, the Garden Conservancy's Open Days Program has unlocked the gates to hundreds of America's very best private gardens by working with volunteecoast to coast to coordinate schedules, collect information, and get it to you. Many of these gardens are rarely, if ever, otherwise open to the public. This is your open invitation to these Open Days treasures. Visit us on the web or call The Garden Conservancy toll free for details.
Skylands Visitor Magazine
Skylands” is a perspective; a way of looking at and appreciating Northwestern New Jersey. “Thinking Skylands” melds those characteristics shared by the constituent counties, towns, ridges, valleys, country roads and sections of interstate into a comprehensive portrait; one more attentive to geographic, cultural, and historical attributes than county and municipal borders. Explore the remarkable personality of this place!
email: setabit@njskylands.com
website: www.njskylands.com
The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference
156 Ramapo Valley Road (Route 202)
Mahwah, NJ 07430
email: info@nynjtc.org
website: www.nynjtc.org
The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference is a federation of more than 85 hiking clubs and environmental organizations and 10,000 individuals dedicated to building and maintaining marked hiking trails and protecting related open space in the bi-state region.
The Lisa Porter Collection, Inviting Style Indoors & Out
Artfully designed blog with beautiful photography, interesting topics, poetry and links you'll enjoy. Gardens, slow food, art, clothes... A must visit.
Plant Whatever Brings You Joy
Website: www.plantwhateverbringsyoujoy
Garden blog by Kathryn Hall, California girl/garden blogger/book publicist and author of garden-as-metaphor introspective title, Plant Whatever Brings You Joy. Book trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oon3NEr9q0k
Best Hikes with Dogs - New Jersey
by Mary Jasch
email: info@njdoghikes.com
website: New Jersey Dog Hikes www.njdoghikes.com
52 trails in New Jersey that are dog friendly, fun and safe no matter where you are in New Jersey or what shape you or Fido are in. Tips on canine trail etiquette, New Jersey's permits and regulations, where NOT to go, what to pack for pooch, what to include in your doggy first-aid kit. Book includes directions, detailed trail descriptions, what you can expect to enjoy along the way, environmental and horticultural facts, vistas, and canine concerns. At Borders, Barnes & Noble, independent bookstores, and everywhere online. Check out the Mountaineers at www.mountaineersbooks.org
Carol Woodin Botanical Art
website: https://www.carolwoodinart.com/
Carol took a circuitous route to botanical art. A one-time draftsman, surveyor’s cartographer, and tractor-trailer driver all were steps along the trail that contribute to her work in the field and studio. After many awards and medals, Carol is Exhibitions Director of the American Society of Botanical Artists, curating and coordinating exhibitions throughout the US. She teaches workshops around the country and internationally in person and online devoted to techniques of watercolor painting on vellum.
If you would like to have your business listed in The Directory please email advertising@dig-itmag.com