
Dear Readers:
HORT THERAPY is a weekly column where our team of professionals will answer your gardening questions.
Email us your garden questions at AskDIGIT@dig-itmag.com. We love a challenge.
Dear DIG IT!
Do you have any leads on where to get seeds or seedlings for Heart 0f Gold or Sweet Dumpling squash? - Diane Laderman, Maryland
Dear Diane,
There are many sites online where you can purchase seeds. I have had good luck with Territorial Seed at: www.territorial-seed.com They have the Sweet Dumpling Squash.
Other sites you may want to check out for either variety are:
You may also be able to find someone willing to trade seeds with you. One site you may want to check out is The Farmers Almanac. They have a seed swapping exchange. Check it out at: www.almanac.com - Rich
- Rich Sisti owns and operates a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), specializing in vegetables and growing organically.
Dear DIG IT!
I want to plant heirloom tomatoes in pots on my deck. Since they are open–pollinated, how far apart should they be so they won’t cross-pollinate? Bernadette Marlon, Newton, NJ
Dear Bernadette,
While there is some discussion whether tomatoes cross-pollinate, usually tomatoes do not need isolation and will come true from seed. The exceptions would be potato leaf varieties and currant tomatoes. Seed should never be saved from double–fruits as they can be cross-pollinated.
A double fruit is when it looks like there are two tomatoes stuck together in an odd shape. You can tell by the flowers; if you look at a single flower it looks like a single flower, if the flower looks bushy that flower will make a double fruit. The double flower usually occurs early in the season. Cherry tomatoes usually don’t make double flowers so if you want to look at the flowers on a cherry tomato plant that will give you an idea. - Rich
- Rich Sisti owns and operates a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), specializing in vegetables and growing organically.