
"Gardening is civil and social, but it wants the vigor and freedom of the forest and the outlaw."
- Henry David Thoreau
Howdy garden lovers! Been a loooong time, but I am back. I must say my web host has upgraded and now I can't figure out posting photos - it's a technical issue. So I will date everything by hand in the text. It may read posted in 2020 but I'll post within the text 2024.
Check the Calendars of Events for details!
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Check out a flower lovers garden in Newton, New Jersey. See Janet Gentles Larkin's garden here.
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Wonderful weather at last! Just starting to rake my neighbor's leaves off my bulbs, waiting for the wind to blow them back onto his land. Also pruned my roses and will saw down more saplings and having great fun doing it.
How calming and meditative!
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Bathe in the Signs of Spring Take the Rollin' Garden Party Bus to the CT Flower & Garden Show in Hartford, CT on Saturday, February 22, 2025. More info coming soon. Meanwhile, contact Mary for a Registration Form or any questions at
See something different this year!
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Got a question about anything horticulture? Let DIG IT!'s coterie of experts answer your question!
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Hear what Ken Druse, plantsman, author, radio host, has to say about gardeners, writing, and his own passion for plants and gardens.
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